getTBinR 0.5.7 is now on CRAN and should be available on a mirror near you shortly! This update mainly focussed on building out new country level Tuberculosis (TB) report functionality but along the way this led to a new summary plotting function that quickly and easily shows TB trends across regions and globally. I also had some fun developing a hexsticker (Tweet at me with something you made using the package to get a physical version - whilst my postage money lasts…), reducing the dependencies with itdepends and pkgnet and dealing with some breaking changes from an uncoming dplyr update (my own fault for missing a function import).
getTBinR 0.5.5 is now on CRAN and should be available on a mirror near you shortly! This update is mainly about highlighting the availability of TB data for 2017, although some small behind the scenes changes were required to get the code set up going forward for yearly updates. A few more plotting options have been added, along with the corresponding tests (definitely the most exciting news). The full changelog is below along with a short example highlighting some of the changes in the 2017 data.
getTBinR 0.5.4 is now on CRAN and should be available on a mirror near you shortly! This update includes an additional data set for 2016 containing variables related to drug resistant Tuberculosis, some aesthetic updates to mapping functionality and a new summarise_tb_burden function for summarising TB metrics. Behind the scenes there has been an extensive test overhaul, with vdiffr being used to test images, and several bugs fixes. See below for a full list of changes and some example code exploring the new functionality.