
Modelling BCG vaccination in the UK: What is the impact of changing policy? (PhD thesis)

Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) remains the only licensed vaccine against Tuberculosis (TB). In 2005, England changed from universal vaccination of school-age children to targeted vaccination of high-risk neonates. Little work has been done to assess the impact of this policy change. This thesis evaluates the impact of this change.

BIDD Modelling Course

The course practicals for the modelling infectious disease short course run by BIDD at the University of Bristol. Source code available here.

Explore Infectious Disease Models

This shiny app has been developed to allow the exploration of the parameter space of compartmental infectious disease models. It is designed to be used as a teaching aid when introducing people to the concepts behind infectious disease models without requiring them to interact with the underlying code.


Quickly and easily import analysis ready Tuberculosis (TB) burden data, from the World Health Organisation (WHO), into R. The aim of getTBinR is to allow researchers, and other interested individuals, to quickly and easily gain access to a detailed TB data set and to start using it to derive key insights.


Explore a range of infectious disease models in a consistent framework. The primary aim of idmodelr is to provide a library of infectious disease models for researchers, students, and other interested individuals. These models can be used to understand the underlying dynamics and as a reference point when developing models for research.

The Pebble Game

The Pebble Game is a shiny application that simulates the pebble game. This is a simple game that has been developed by BIDD at the University of Bristol, to help a general audience understand the role of vaccination in preventing the onward transmission of infectious disease. The source code can be found here.


prettypublisher is an R package that aims to improve your workflow by allowing an easier transition from literate code to a paper draft ready for journal submission.