A Function to Sample the Annual Percentage Decrease with Uncertainty

sample_per_decrease(df, max_year = NULL, min_year = NULL,
  samples = 100, years_to_avg = 3)



A dataframe containing a year variable and with the second variable being the one to sample from.


Numeric, set as greater than the maximum year in the dataframe if interested in projection. Defaults to NULL. If specified, then an average of the percentage decrease for a set number of years is taken. This is specified with years_to_avg.


Numeric, set as smaller than the minimum year in the dataframe if interested in backwards projection. Defaults to NULL. If specified, then an average of the percentage decrease for a set number of years is taken. This is specified with years_to_avg.


Numeric, the number of samples to take.


Numeric, the number of years over which to average the percentage decrease when estimating the ongoing percentage decrease.


A dataframe containing annual percentage decrease samples.


df <- data.frame(year = c(2000:2010), measure = seq(10, 110, 10)) sample_per_decrease(df, samples = 2)
#> year sample prop_decrease_sample #> 1 2001 1 -0.91639928 #> 2 2001 2 -0.98043991 #> 3 2002 1 -0.49002278 #> 4 2002 2 -0.56266488 #> 5 2003 1 -0.35892570 #> 6 2003 2 -0.35503676 #> 7 2004 1 -0.29527794 #> 8 2004 2 -0.22419860 #> 9 2005 1 -0.22118227 #> 10 2005 2 -0.25581355 #> 11 2006 1 -0.10238774 #> 12 2006 2 -0.13276572 #> 13 2007 1 -0.16145445 #> 14 2007 2 -0.15543653 #> 15 2008 1 -0.15623216 #> 16 2008 2 -0.08207690 #> 17 2009 1 -0.07652777 #> 18 2009 2 -0.14024365 #> 19 2010 1 -0.12074288 #> 20 2010 2 -0.14937032