A function to fit the models in development through the full fitting pipeline based on synthetic data or observed data.
fit_model(model = "BaseLineModel", previous_model_path = NULL, gen_data = TRUE, run_time = 73, time_scale = "year", plot_obs = TRUE, sample_priors = TRUE, prior_samples = 1000, optim = TRUE, nparticles = NULL, adapt_particles = TRUE, adapt_part_samples = 1000, adapt_part_it = 10, min_particles = NULL, max_particles = NULL, proposal_param_block = NULL, proposal_initial_block = NULL, adapt_proposal = TRUE, adapt_prop_samples = 100, adapt_prop_it = 3, adapt = "both", adapt_scale = 2, min_acc = 0.04, max_acc = 0.4, fit = FALSE, posterior_samples = 10000, thin = 1, burn_prop = 0, time_for_resampling = 0, sample_ess_at = 0.8, rejuv_moves = NULL, nthreads = parallel::detectCores(), verbose = TRUE, libbi_verbose = FALSE, fitting_verbose = TRUE, pred_states = TRUE, browse = FALSE, const_pop = FALSE, no_age = FALSE, no_disease = FALSE, scale_rate_treat = TRUE, years_of_data = c(2000:2004), years_of_age = c(2000, 2004), age_groups = NULL, con_age_groups = NULL, spacing_of_historic_tb = 10, aggregated_observed = FALSE, initial_uncertainty = TRUE, noise = TRUE, scale_transmission = "none", scale_nonukborn_mixing = "none", save_output = FALSE, dir_path = NULL, dir_name = NULL, reports = TRUE, seed = 1234)
model | A character string containing the model name. Alternatively a model loaded via |
previous_model_path | A character string giving the path to a previous LiBBi model (saved as an .rds). This will replace the default model and override initial settings. |
gen_data | Logical, defaults to /codeTRUE. Should data be synthesised using the model and priors. |
run_time | Numeric, the number of years to run the model fitting and simulation for, defaults to 74 (i.e from 1931 until 2005). |
time_scale | Character, defaults to |
plot_obs | Logical, defaults to |
sample_priors | Logical, defaults to |
prior_samples | Numeric, the number of samples to take from the priors. Defaults to 1000. |
optim | Logical defaults to |
nparticles | Numeric, the initial number of particles to use in the particle filters. Defaults to |
adapt_particles | Logical, defaults to |
adapt_part_samples | Numeric, the number of samples to take from the priors when adapting the number of particles. Defaults to 1000. |
adapt_part_it | Numeric, the number of iterations to use for adapting the number of particles. Defaults to 10. |
min_particles | Numeric, the starting number of particles to use for adaption. If |
max_particles | Numeric, the maximum number of particles to use for adaption. If |
proposal_param_block | A character string containing a LiBBi proposal parameter block. Defaults to |
proposal_initial_block | A character string containing a LiBBi proposal initial block. Defaults to |
adapt_proposal | Logical, defaults to |
adapt_prop_samples | Numeric, the number of samples to take when adapting the proposal distribution. Defaults to 1000. Initially 5 times this number will be sampled in order to move the chain out of high unlikely parameter regions. |
adapt_prop_it | Numeric, defaults to 10. The number of iterations to use for adapting the proposal. |
adapt | Character string, defaults to "both". The type of adaption to use for the proposal see |
adapt_scale | Numeric, defaults to 2. The scale to use to adapt the proposal. |
min_acc | Numeric, defaults to 0.05. The minimum target acceptance rate. |
max_acc | Numeric, defaults to 0.4. The maximum target acceptance rate. |
fit | Logical, defaults to |
posterior_samples | Numeric, the number of samples to take from the posterior estimated using pmcmc (requires |
thin | Numeric, the thinning interval to use between posterior samples. May reduce the correlation between samples and reduces memory. |
burn_prop | Numeric (between 0 and 1). The proportion of the chain to discard as burn-in. |
time_for_resampling | Numeric, defaults to 0 (i.e off). Overall real time (minutes) to allocate to move steps for the SMC sampler. If set to be non-zero then this will overvide rejuvernaiton and effective sample size setting. |
sample_ess_at | Numeric defaults to 0.8. The thresold of the effective sample size (ess) at which to rejuvernate the particles. |
rejuv_moves | Numeric, defaults to |
nthreads | Numeric, defaults to 4. The number of parallel jobs to run. The most efficient option is likely to be to match the number of cores available. |
verbose | Logical, defaults to |
libbi_verbose | Logical, defaults to |
fitting_verbose | Logical, defaults to |
pred_states | Logical defaults to |
browse | Logical, defaults to |
const_pop | Logical, defaults to |
no_age | Logical, defaults to |
no_disease | Logical, defaults to |
scale_rate_treat | Logical, defaults to |
years_of_data | Numeric, the years modern case data to filter for. If not given all are returned. |
years_of_age | Numeric, the years of age distributed cases to fit to. Defaults to all years available. |
age_groups | Numeric, the numeric age groups to include in the observed data, defaults to |
spacing_of_historic_tb | Numeric, defaults to 1. Mod to use to identify years of data to use for. |
aggregated_observed | Logical, defaults to |
initial_uncertainty | Logical, should initial state and parameter uncertainty be included. Defaults to |
noise | Logical, should process noise be included. Defaults to |
scale_transmission | A character string defaults to |
save_output | Logical, defaults to |
reports | Logical, defaults to |
seed | Numeric, the seed to use for random number generation. |
scale_noukborn_mixing | A character string defaults to |
A LibBi model object based on the inputed test model.
## Function code: fit_model#> function(model = "BaseLineModel", previous_model_path = NULL, gen_data = TRUE, #> run_time = 73, time_scale = "year", plot_obs = TRUE, #> sample_priors = TRUE, prior_samples = 1000, optim = TRUE, nparticles = NULL, #> adapt_particles = TRUE, adapt_part_samples = 1000, adapt_part_it = 10, #> min_particles = NULL, max_particles = NULL, #> proposal_param_block = NULL, proposal_initial_block = NULL, #> adapt_proposal = TRUE, adapt_prop_samples = 100, adapt_prop_it = 3, adapt = "both", #> adapt_scale = 2, min_acc = 0.04, max_acc = 0.4, #> fit = FALSE, posterior_samples = 10000, thin = 1, burn_prop = 0, time_for_resampling = 0, #> sample_ess_at = 0.8, #> rejuv_moves = NULL, nthreads = parallel::detectCores(), verbose = TRUE, libbi_verbose = FALSE, #> fitting_verbose = TRUE, pred_states = TRUE, browse = FALSE, #> const_pop = FALSE, no_age = FALSE, no_disease = FALSE, scale_rate_treat = TRUE, years_of_data = c(2000:2004), #> years_of_age = c(2000, 2004), age_groups = NULL, con_age_groups = NULL, spacing_of_historic_tb = 10, #> aggregated_observed = FALSE, initial_uncertainty = TRUE, noise = TRUE, #> scale_transmission = "none", scale_nonukborn_mixing = "none", #> save_output = FALSE, dir_path = NULL, dir_name = NULL, reports = TRUE, #> seed = 1234) { #> #> #> # Util functions ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> # Check parameters -------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if(burn_prop > 1 || burn_prop < 0) { #> stop("The burn in proportion must be less or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to 0.") #> } #> #> # Set up model directory -------------------------------------------------- #> if (save_output) { #> if (is.null(dir_path)) { #> dir_path <- "." #> } #> #> if (is.null(dir_name)) { #> dir_name <- "model-run" #> } #> #> ## Add time to filename #> dir_name <- paste0(dir_name, "-", str_replace(Sys.time(), " ", "_")) #> #> ## Construct path #> model_dir <- file.path(dir_path, dir_name) #> #> message("Model output: ", model_dir) #> #> ## Make the folder #> if (!dir.exists(model_dir)) { #> dir.create(model_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for data #> data_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "data") #> #> dir.create(data_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for plots #> plots_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "plots") #> #> dir.create(plots_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for libbi output #> libbi_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "libbi") #> #> dir.create(libbi_dir) #> } #> #> ## Make the log file #> logs <- file.path(model_dir, "log.txt") #> con <- file(logs, open = "wt") #> #> ## Send Output to log #> sink(con) #> sink(con, type = "message") #> } #> #> # Set the time scale for the model ---------------------------------------- #> #> #> if (time_scale == "year") { #> time_scale_numeric <- 1 #> }else if (time_scale == "month") { #> time_scale_numeric <- 12 #> }else{ #> stop("Only a yearly (year) or monthly (month) timescale have been implemented.") #> } #> #> # Load the model ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.character(model)) { #> model_file <- system.file(package="ModelTBBCGEngland", paste0("bi/", model, ".bi")) #> #> tb_model_raw <- bi_model(model_file) #> #> }else{ #> tb_model_raw <- model #> } #> #> #> #> # Specify model setup conditions ------------------------------------------ #> #> if (time_scale == "year") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, ScaleTime = 1 / 12) #> }else if (time_scale == "month") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, ScaleTime = 1) #> }else{ #> stop("Only a yearly (year) or monthly (month) timescale have been implemented.") #> } #> #> if (const_pop) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, const_pop = 1) #> } #> #> if (no_age) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, no_age = 1) #> } #> #> if (no_disease) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, no_disease = 1) #> } #> #> if (!scale_rate_treat) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, scale_rate_treat = 0) #> } #> #> if (scale_transmission %in% "none") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, beta_df = 1) #> }else if (scale_transmission %in% "young_adult") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, beta_df = 2) #> } #> #> if (scale_nonukborn_mixing %in% "none") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, M_df = 1) #> }else if (scale_nonukborn_mixing %in% "young_adult") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, M_df = 2) #> } #> #> if (!noise) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, noise_switch = 0) #> } #> #> if (!initial_uncertainty) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, initial_uncertainty_switch = 0) #> } #> #> #> # Add the proposal block to the model ------------------------------------- #> if (!is.null(proposal_param_block)) { #> tb_model_raw <- add_block(tb_model_raw, "proposal_parameter", proposal_param_block) #> } #> #> #> if (!is.null(proposal_initial_block)) { #> tb_model_raw <- add_block(tb_model_raw, "proposal_initial", proposal_initial_block) #> } #> #> #> # Allow for interactive debugging ----------------------------------------- #> #> if (browse) { #> browser() #> } #> #> #> # Set up model input ------------------------------------------------------ #> #> ## See ?setup_model_input or details #> input <- setup_model_input(run_time, time_scale_numeric) #> #> ## Save formated data #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(input, file.path(data_dir, "input.rds")) #> } #> #> #> # Set up abs data --------------------------------------------------------- #> #> ## See ?setup_model_obs for details #> obs <- setup_model_obs(years_of_age = years_of_age, age_groups = age_groups, #> con_age_groups = con_age_groups, spacing_of_historic_tb = spacing_of_historic_tb, #> years_of_data = years_of_data, aggregated = aggregated_observed) #> #> obs <- obs %>% #> map(~ filter(., time <= run_time)) %>% #> map( ~ drop_na(., value)) #> #> # Reset obs and input if running with test SIR Model ---------------------- #> if (model == "SIR") { #> obs <- NULL #> input <- NULL #> } #> #> # Generate data from the model -------------------------------------------- #> if (gen_data) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Generating data from model") #> } #> #> tb_data <- bi_generate_dataset(tb_model_raw, end_time = run_time * time_scale_numeric, #> input = input, obs = obs, #> noutputs = floor(run_time / 7), #> seed = seed, verbose = libbi_verbose) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of generated model data") #> print(tb_data) #> } #> #> #> obs <- bi_read(tb_data, type = "obs") #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Variables in the generated data") #> print(names(obs)) #> } #> #> } #> #> ## Save formated data #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(obs, file.path(data_dir, "obs.rds")) #> } #> #> #> # Plot incidence generated by the model ----------------------------------- #> if (plot_obs) { #> #> time <- NULL; value <- NULL; #> #> message("Plot number of cases detected each year:") #> if (!is.null(years_of_age) && !is.null(age_groups)) { #> p_cases <- obs$YearlyAgeInc %>% #> dplyr::filter(time > 0) %>% #> dplyr::group_by(time) %>% #> dplyr::summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% #> ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value)) + #> geom_point(size = 1.2) + #> geom_line(size = 1.1, alpha = 0.6) + #> theme_minimal() + #> labs(x = "Time", #> y = "Yearly notified cases") #> #> print(p_cases) #> #> if (save_output) { #> ggsave("obs-cases.png", path = plots_dir, dpi = 320) #> } #> } #> #> message("Plot number of cases detected each year, stratified by age group:") #> if (!is.null(years_of_age) && !is.null(age_groups)) { #> p_age_cases <- obs$YearlyAgeInc %>% #> dplyr::filter(time > 0) %>% #> ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value)) + #> geom_point(size = 1.2) + #> geom_line(size = 1.1, alpha = 0.6) + #> theme_minimal() + #> labs(x = "Time", #> y = "Yearly notified cases") + #> facet_wrap(~age, scales = "free_y") #> #> print(p_age_cases) #> #> if (save_output) { #> ggsave("obs-age-cases.png", path = plots_dir, dpi = 320) #> } #> } #> } #> #> #> # Set the number of particles --------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.null(nparticles)) { #> nparticles <- obs %>% #> map_dbl(nrow) %>% #> sum #> #> nparticles <- 2**ceiling(log(nparticles, 2)) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using ", nparticles, " particles based on the number of observed data samples (rounded to the nearest power of 2).") #> } #> #> } #> #> #> if (adapt_particles) { #> if (is.null(min_particles)) { #> min_particles <- nparticles #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using a minimum of ", min_particles, " particles based on the number of particles specified.") #> } #> } #> #> if (is.null(max_particles)) { #> max_particles <- min_particles * 4 #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using a maximum of ", max_particles, " particles based on the minimum number of particles times by 4.") #> } #> } #> } #> #> # Load the model ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Load the model as a compiled libbi object") #> } #> #> tb_model <- libbi(tb_model_raw, #> input = input, #> obs = obs, #> end_time = run_time * time_scale_numeric, #> nparticles = nparticles, #> nthreads = nthreads, #> debug = libbi_verbose, #> assert = FALSE, #> single = TRUE) #> #> if (!is.null(previous_model_path)) { #> message("Replacing the default liBBi model with a previously run model - this may not have the same settings as the current run.") #> tb_model <- read_libbi(previous_model_path) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Previous Model: ") #> print(tb_model) #> print(tb_model$model) #> } #> } #> # Sample from priors ------------------------------------------------------ #> if (sample_priors) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Sample priors") #> } #> #> priors <- sample(tb_model, target = "prior", #> nsamples = prior_samples) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of prior sampling") #> print(priors) #> #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Save prior samples") #> } #> #> priors %>% #> bi_read(type = c("param")) %>% #> map_dfr(~mutate(., distribution = "Prior"), .id = "parameter") %>% #> saveRDS(file.path(data_dir, "prior-params.rds")) #> } #> } #> #> #> #> # Optimise the deterministic model ---------------------------------------- #> if (optim) { #> #> if(verbose) { #> message("Optimising the deterministic model") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> optimise() #> #> } #> #> # Adapting the number of particles ---------------------------------------- #> #> if (adapt_particles) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting particles starting with ", min_particles, " up to a maximum of ", max_particles) #> } #> #> adapt_mutli_particles <- function(iteration, model, min_particles, max_particles) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting particles iteration: ", iteration) #> message("Initial sampling using the prior as the proposal.") #> } #> #> model <- model %>% #> sample(proposal = "prior", nsamples = adapt_part_samples, #> seed = iteration + seed) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Starting particle adaption") #> } #> #> model <- adapt_particles(model, #> min = min_particles, #> max = max_particles, #> quiet = !verbose, #> target.variance = 5) #> #> particles <- tb_model$options$nparticles #> return(particles) #> } #> #> particles <- map_dbl(1:adapt_part_it, ~ #> adapt_mutli_particles(., #> model = tb_model, #> min_particles = min_particles, #> max_particles = max_particles)) #> #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(particles, file.path(libbi_dir, "particles.rds")) #> } #> #> med_particles <- particles %>% #> median %>% #> ceiling #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Choosing ", med_particles, "based on ", adapt_part_it, " iterations each using ", adapt_part_samples, ".") #> message("The maximum number of particles selected was ", max(particles), " with a minimum of ", min(particles)) #> message("The mean number of particles selected was ", mean(particles), " with a standard deviation of ", sd(particles)) #> } #> #> #> tb_model$options$nparticles <- med_particles #> nparticles <- med_particles #> #> } #> #> #> # Adapting the proposal --------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (adapt_proposal) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting proposal with a min acceptance of ", min_acc, " and a maximum acceptance of ", max_acc) #> message("Running for ", adapt_prop_it, " iterations with ", adapt_prop_samples, " samples each time.") #> } #> #> ## Adapt proposal #> if(verbose) { #> message("Taking initial sample to estimate acceptance rate") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", proposal = "model", #> nsamples = adapt_prop_samples) #> #> if(verbose) { #> message("Adapting proposal ...") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> adapt_proposal(min = min_acc, max = max_acc, #> nsamples = adapt_prop_samples, #> max_iter = adapt_prop_it, adapt = adapt, #> scale = adapt_scale, truncate = TRUE, #> quiet = !verbose) #> #> acc_rate <- acceptance_rate(tb_model) #> #> #> #> prop_param_block <- get_block(tb_model$model, "proposal_parameter") #> prop_initial_block <- get_block(tb_model$model, "proposal_initial") #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapted proposal distribution") #> #> print(prop_param_block) #> print(prop_initial_block) #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(prop_param_block, file.path(libbi_dir, "proposal-param-block.rds")) #> saveRDS(prop_initial_block, file.path(libbi_dir, "proposal-initial-block.rds")) #> } #> } #> #> #> # Set number of moves for SMC2 -------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.null(rejuv_moves)) { #> #> if (!adapt_proposal) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Taking a 100 samples from the posterior to estimate #> the acceptance rate as proposal adaption has not been run.") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", proposal = "model", #> nsamples = 1000, #> verbose = libbi_verbose) #> } #> #> acc_rate <- acceptance_rate(tb_model) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Acceptance rate of ", acc_rate, " after adapting the proposal") #> } #> #> if(acc_rate < 0.001) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Acceptance rate is to low (", acc_rate, ") to be tractable. Defaulting to an acceptance rate of 0.001") #> } #> acc_rate <- 0.001 #> } #> #> #> target_acc <- sample_ess_at #> rejuv_moves <- round(target_acc / acc_rate, digits = 0) #> rejuv_moves <- ifelse(rejuv_moves < 1, 1, rejuv_moves) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using ", rejuv_moves, " rejuvernation moves in order to target at least a ", round(100*target_acc, 0), "% acceptence rate for each rejuvernation sample.") #> } #> } #> #> #> # Model fitting ------------------------------------------------------ #> #> #> if (fit) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> if (time_for_resampling != 0) { #> message("As the time for resampling has been specified rejuvernation will happen after each SMC step and will take as long as has been allocated regardless of the acceptance rate.") #> } #> message("Fitting using SMC-SMC") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", #> proposal = "model", #> nparticles = nparticles, #> nsamples = posterior_samples, #> sampler = "sir", #> `sample-ess-rel` = sample_ess_at, #> nmoves = rejuv_moves, #> tmoves = time_for_resampling * 60, #> thin = thin, #> verbose = fitting_verbose) #> #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of fitted model") #> print(tb_model) #> } #> #> #> # Evaluate run ------------------------------------------------------------ #> #> burn <- floor(posterior_samples / thin * burn_prop) #> #> dic <- DIC(tb_model, burn = burn) #> #> message("Model DIC: ", dic) #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(dic, file = file.path(libbi_dir, "dic.rds")) #> } #> #> } #> #> #> # Predict states ---------------------------------------------------------- #> if (!fit && !adapt_particles && !adapt_proposal && sample_priors) { #> tb_model <- priors #> } #> #> if (pred_states ) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Predicting states based on posterior sample up to 2040") #> } #> #> ## Predicting states for all times from intialisation to end time (for the standard model in 2040). #> tb_model <- sample_obs(tb_model, #> end_time = (36 + run_time) * time_scale_numeric, #> noutputs = (36 + run_time) * time_scale_numeric) #> #> } #> #> #> # Save model -------------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (save_output) { #> save_libbi(tb_model, file.path(libbi_dir, "posterior")) #> } #> #> # Model report ------------------------------------------------------------ #> #> #> if (save_output && reports && fit) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> ## Assumes the function is being run at the root of the project (may need refinement) #> message("Creating model report") #> } #> #> ## Model report #> model_report <- "./vignettes/model_report.Rmd" #> future_scenarios <- "./vignettes/future_scenarios.Rmd" #> #> report_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "reports") #> dir.create(report_dir) #> #> rmarkdown::render(model_report, output_format = "html_document", #> output_dir = report_dir, #> knit_root_dir = "..", #> params = list(model_dir = model_dir)) #> #> #> rmarkdown::render(future_scenarios, output_format = "html_document", #> output_dir = report_dir, #> knit_root_dir = "..", #> params = list(model_dir = model_dir)) #> #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> sink(type = "message") #> sink() #> } #> #> if (!exists("tb_model")) { #> tb_model <- NULL #> } #> return(tb_model) #> } #> <environment: namespace:ModelTBBCGEngland>