A function to fit the models in development through the full fitting pipeline based on synthetic data or observed data.

fit_model(model = "BaseLineModel", previous_model_path = NULL,
  gen_data = TRUE, run_time = 73, time_scale = "year",
  plot_obs = TRUE, sample_priors = TRUE, prior_samples = 1000,
  optim = TRUE, nparticles = NULL, adapt_particles = TRUE,
  adapt_part_samples = 1000, adapt_part_it = 10,
  min_particles = NULL, max_particles = NULL,
  proposal_param_block = NULL, proposal_initial_block = NULL,
  adapt_proposal = TRUE, adapt_prop_samples = 100, adapt_prop_it = 3,
  adapt = "both", adapt_scale = 2, min_acc = 0.04, max_acc = 0.4,
  fit = FALSE, posterior_samples = 10000, thin = 1, burn_prop = 0,
  time_for_resampling = 0, sample_ess_at = 0.8, rejuv_moves = NULL,
  nthreads = parallel::detectCores(), verbose = TRUE,
  libbi_verbose = FALSE, fitting_verbose = TRUE, pred_states = TRUE,
  browse = FALSE, const_pop = FALSE, no_age = FALSE,
  no_disease = FALSE, scale_rate_treat = TRUE,
  years_of_data = c(2000:2004), years_of_age = c(2000, 2004),
  age_groups = NULL, con_age_groups = NULL,
  spacing_of_historic_tb = 10, aggregated_observed = FALSE,
  initial_uncertainty = TRUE, noise = TRUE,
  scale_transmission = "none", scale_nonukborn_mixing = "none",
  save_output = FALSE, dir_path = NULL, dir_name = NULL,
  reports = TRUE, seed = 1234)



A character string containing the model name. Alternatively a model loaded via rbi::bi_model may be passed.


A character string giving the path to a previous LiBBi model (saved as an .rds). This will replace the default model and override initial settings.


Logical, defaults to /codeTRUE. Should data be synthesised using the model and priors.


Numeric, the number of years to run the model fitting and simulation for, defaults to 74 (i.e from 1931 until 2005).


Character, defaults to "year". A monthly timescale can also be set with "month" .


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should input data be plotted


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the model priors be sampled.


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the priors. Defaults to 1000.


Logical defaults to TRUE. Should the determinsitic model be optimised prior to other fitting steps.


Numeric, the initial number of particles to use in the particle filters. Defaults to NULL, in which case the number of data points is used as the initial particle number rounded to the nearest power of 2.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the number of particles be adapted.


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the priors when adapting the number of particles. Defaults to 1000.


Numeric, the number of iterations to use for adapting the number of particles. Defaults to 10.


Numeric, the starting number of particles to use for adaption. If NULL uses nparticles.


Numeric, the maximum number of particles to use for adaption. If NULL then defaults to 4 * min_particles


A character string containing a LiBBi proposal parameter block. Defaults to NULL in which case the LiBBi defaults will be used.


A character string containing a LiBBi proposal initial block. Defaults to NULL in which case the LiBBi defaults will be used.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the proposal be adjusted to improve the acceptance rate.


Numeric, the number of samples to take when adapting the proposal distribution. Defaults to 1000. Initially 5 times this number will be sampled in order to move the chain out of high unlikely parameter regions.


Numeric, defaults to 10. The number of iterations to use for adapting the proposal.


Character string, defaults to "both". The type of adaption to use for the proposal see rbi.helpers::adapt_proposal for details.


Numeric, defaults to 2. The scale to use to adapt the proposal.


Numeric, defaults to 0.05. The minimum target acceptance rate.


Numeric, defaults to 0.4. The maximum target acceptance rate.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the model be fitted with 1000 samples extracted.


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the posterior estimated using pmcmc (requires fit = TRUE). Defaults to 1000.


Numeric, the thinning interval to use between posterior samples. May reduce the correlation between samples and reduces memory.


Numeric (between 0 and 1). The proportion of the chain to discard as burn-in.


Numeric, defaults to 0 (i.e off). Overall real time (minutes) to allocate to move steps for the SMC sampler. If set to be non-zero then this will overvide rejuvernaiton and effective sample size setting.


Numeric defaults to 0.8. The thresold of the effective sample size (ess) at which to rejuvernate the particles.


Numeric, defaults to NULL. The number of MCMC samples to take for each rejuvernation step. If NULL is set so that the acceptance rate of each rejuvernation step is at least 1 minus the effective sample size thresold. This is based on the estimated acceptance rate after adaption. If proposal adaption is not used then it assumed that the accpetance rate is 5% only usable for testing purposes.


Numeric, defaults to 4. The number of parallel jobs to run. The most efficient option is likely to be to match the number of cores available.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should progress messages and output be printed.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should libbi produce verbose progress and warnings messages.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should libbi produce verbose progress and warnings messages whilst fitting.


Logical defaults to TRUE. Should states be predicted over all time (from model initialisation to 35 years ahead of final run time). If set to FALSE states will only be estimated for times with observed data points.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the function be run in debug mode using browser.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should a constant population be maintained using births equals deaths.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should ageing be disabled.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should disease be removed from the model


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Scales the rate of treatment over time from introduction in 1952 to assumed modern standard in 1990.


Numeric, the years modern case data to filter for. If not given all are returned.


Numeric, the years of age distributed cases to fit to. Defaults to all years available.


Numeric, the numeric age groups to include in the observed data, defaults to NULL in which case no age groups are included.


Numeric, defaults to 1. Mod to use to identify years of data to use for.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should aggregated observational data be used.


Logical, should initial state and parameter uncertainty be included. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical, should process noise be included. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE then noise will still be included from the measurement model.


A character string defaults to "none". The default ensures that the transmission probability is constant across all age groups. Other options include; "young_adult". These add a modifiying parameter for young adults (15-24).


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the model results be saved as a test dataset.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should model reports be generated. Only enabled when save_output = TRUE.


Numeric, the seed to use for random number generation.


A character string defaults to "none". The default ensures that non-UK born mixing is constant across all age groups. Other options include; "young_adult". These add a modifiying parameter for young adults (15-24).


A LibBi model object based on the inputed test model.


## Function code: fit_model
#> function(model = "BaseLineModel", previous_model_path = NULL, gen_data = TRUE, #> run_time = 73, time_scale = "year", plot_obs = TRUE, #> sample_priors = TRUE, prior_samples = 1000, optim = TRUE, nparticles = NULL, #> adapt_particles = TRUE, adapt_part_samples = 1000, adapt_part_it = 10, #> min_particles = NULL, max_particles = NULL, #> proposal_param_block = NULL, proposal_initial_block = NULL, #> adapt_proposal = TRUE, adapt_prop_samples = 100, adapt_prop_it = 3, adapt = "both", #> adapt_scale = 2, min_acc = 0.04, max_acc = 0.4, #> fit = FALSE, posterior_samples = 10000, thin = 1, burn_prop = 0, time_for_resampling = 0, #> sample_ess_at = 0.8, #> rejuv_moves = NULL, nthreads = parallel::detectCores(), verbose = TRUE, libbi_verbose = FALSE, #> fitting_verbose = TRUE, pred_states = TRUE, browse = FALSE, #> const_pop = FALSE, no_age = FALSE, no_disease = FALSE, scale_rate_treat = TRUE, years_of_data = c(2000:2004), #> years_of_age = c(2000, 2004), age_groups = NULL, con_age_groups = NULL, spacing_of_historic_tb = 10, #> aggregated_observed = FALSE, initial_uncertainty = TRUE, noise = TRUE, #> scale_transmission = "none", scale_nonukborn_mixing = "none", #> save_output = FALSE, dir_path = NULL, dir_name = NULL, reports = TRUE, #> seed = 1234) { #> #> #> # Util functions ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> # Check parameters -------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if(burn_prop > 1 || burn_prop < 0) { #> stop("The burn in proportion must be less or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to 0.") #> } #> #> # Set up model directory -------------------------------------------------- #> if (save_output) { #> if (is.null(dir_path)) { #> dir_path <- "." #> } #> #> if (is.null(dir_name)) { #> dir_name <- "model-run" #> } #> #> ## Add time to filename #> dir_name <- paste0(dir_name, "-", str_replace(Sys.time(), " ", "_")) #> #> ## Construct path #> model_dir <- file.path(dir_path, dir_name) #> #> message("Model output: ", model_dir) #> #> ## Make the folder #> if (!dir.exists(model_dir)) { #> dir.create(model_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for data #> data_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "data") #> #> dir.create(data_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for plots #> plots_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "plots") #> #> dir.create(plots_dir) #> #> ## Make a sub folder for libbi output #> libbi_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "libbi") #> #> dir.create(libbi_dir) #> } #> #> ## Make the log file #> logs <- file.path(model_dir, "log.txt") #> con <- file(logs, open = "wt") #> #> ## Send Output to log #> sink(con) #> sink(con, type = "message") #> } #> #> # Set the time scale for the model ---------------------------------------- #> #> #> if (time_scale == "year") { #> time_scale_numeric <- 1 #> }else if (time_scale == "month") { #> time_scale_numeric <- 12 #> }else{ #> stop("Only a yearly (year) or monthly (month) timescale have been implemented.") #> } #> #> # Load the model ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.character(model)) { #> model_file <- system.file(package="ModelTBBCGEngland", paste0("bi/", model, ".bi")) #> #> tb_model_raw <- bi_model(model_file) #> #> }else{ #> tb_model_raw <- model #> } #> #> #> #> # Specify model setup conditions ------------------------------------------ #> #> if (time_scale == "year") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, ScaleTime = 1 / 12) #> }else if (time_scale == "month") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, ScaleTime = 1) #> }else{ #> stop("Only a yearly (year) or monthly (month) timescale have been implemented.") #> } #> #> if (const_pop) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, const_pop = 1) #> } #> #> if (no_age) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, no_age = 1) #> } #> #> if (no_disease) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, no_disease = 1) #> } #> #> if (!scale_rate_treat) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, scale_rate_treat = 0) #> } #> #> if (scale_transmission %in% "none") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, beta_df = 1) #> }else if (scale_transmission %in% "young_adult") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, beta_df = 2) #> } #> #> if (scale_nonukborn_mixing %in% "none") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, M_df = 1) #> }else if (scale_nonukborn_mixing %in% "young_adult") { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, M_df = 2) #> } #> #> if (!noise) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, noise_switch = 0) #> } #> #> if (!initial_uncertainty) { #> tb_model_raw <- fix(tb_model_raw, initial_uncertainty_switch = 0) #> } #> #> #> # Add the proposal block to the model ------------------------------------- #> if (!is.null(proposal_param_block)) { #> tb_model_raw <- add_block(tb_model_raw, "proposal_parameter", proposal_param_block) #> } #> #> #> if (!is.null(proposal_initial_block)) { #> tb_model_raw <- add_block(tb_model_raw, "proposal_initial", proposal_initial_block) #> } #> #> #> # Allow for interactive debugging ----------------------------------------- #> #> if (browse) { #> browser() #> } #> #> #> # Set up model input ------------------------------------------------------ #> #> ## See ?setup_model_input or details #> input <- setup_model_input(run_time, time_scale_numeric) #> #> ## Save formated data #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(input, file.path(data_dir, "input.rds")) #> } #> #> #> # Set up abs data --------------------------------------------------------- #> #> ## See ?setup_model_obs for details #> obs <- setup_model_obs(years_of_age = years_of_age, age_groups = age_groups, #> con_age_groups = con_age_groups, spacing_of_historic_tb = spacing_of_historic_tb, #> years_of_data = years_of_data, aggregated = aggregated_observed) #> #> obs <- obs %>% #> map(~ filter(., time <= run_time)) %>% #> map( ~ drop_na(., value)) #> #> # Reset obs and input if running with test SIR Model ---------------------- #> if (model == "SIR") { #> obs <- NULL #> input <- NULL #> } #> #> # Generate data from the model -------------------------------------------- #> if (gen_data) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Generating data from model") #> } #> #> tb_data <- bi_generate_dataset(tb_model_raw, end_time = run_time * time_scale_numeric, #> input = input, obs = obs, #> noutputs = floor(run_time / 7), #> seed = seed, verbose = libbi_verbose) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of generated model data") #> print(tb_data) #> } #> #> #> obs <- bi_read(tb_data, type = "obs") #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Variables in the generated data") #> print(names(obs)) #> } #> #> } #> #> ## Save formated data #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(obs, file.path(data_dir, "obs.rds")) #> } #> #> #> # Plot incidence generated by the model ----------------------------------- #> if (plot_obs) { #> #> time <- NULL; value <- NULL; #> #> message("Plot number of cases detected each year:") #> if (!is.null(years_of_age) && !is.null(age_groups)) { #> p_cases <- obs$YearlyAgeInc %>% #> dplyr::filter(time > 0) %>% #> dplyr::group_by(time) %>% #> dplyr::summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% #> ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value)) + #> geom_point(size = 1.2) + #> geom_line(size = 1.1, alpha = 0.6) + #> theme_minimal() + #> labs(x = "Time", #> y = "Yearly notified cases") #> #> print(p_cases) #> #> if (save_output) { #> ggsave("obs-cases.png", path = plots_dir, dpi = 320) #> } #> } #> #> message("Plot number of cases detected each year, stratified by age group:") #> if (!is.null(years_of_age) && !is.null(age_groups)) { #> p_age_cases <- obs$YearlyAgeInc %>% #> dplyr::filter(time > 0) %>% #> ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value)) + #> geom_point(size = 1.2) + #> geom_line(size = 1.1, alpha = 0.6) + #> theme_minimal() + #> labs(x = "Time", #> y = "Yearly notified cases") + #> facet_wrap(~age, scales = "free_y") #> #> print(p_age_cases) #> #> if (save_output) { #> ggsave("obs-age-cases.png", path = plots_dir, dpi = 320) #> } #> } #> } #> #> #> # Set the number of particles --------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.null(nparticles)) { #> nparticles <- obs %>% #> map_dbl(nrow) %>% #> sum #> #> nparticles <- 2**ceiling(log(nparticles, 2)) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using ", nparticles, " particles based on the number of observed data samples (rounded to the nearest power of 2).") #> } #> #> } #> #> #> if (adapt_particles) { #> if (is.null(min_particles)) { #> min_particles <- nparticles #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using a minimum of ", min_particles, " particles based on the number of particles specified.") #> } #> } #> #> if (is.null(max_particles)) { #> max_particles <- min_particles * 4 #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using a maximum of ", max_particles, " particles based on the minimum number of particles times by 4.") #> } #> } #> } #> #> # Load the model ---------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Load the model as a compiled libbi object") #> } #> #> tb_model <- libbi(tb_model_raw, #> input = input, #> obs = obs, #> end_time = run_time * time_scale_numeric, #> nparticles = nparticles, #> nthreads = nthreads, #> debug = libbi_verbose, #> assert = FALSE, #> single = TRUE) #> #> if (!is.null(previous_model_path)) { #> message("Replacing the default liBBi model with a previously run model - this may not have the same settings as the current run.") #> tb_model <- read_libbi(previous_model_path) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Previous Model: ") #> print(tb_model) #> print(tb_model$model) #> } #> } #> # Sample from priors ------------------------------------------------------ #> if (sample_priors) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Sample priors") #> } #> #> priors <- sample(tb_model, target = "prior", #> nsamples = prior_samples) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of prior sampling") #> print(priors) #> #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Save prior samples") #> } #> #> priors %>% #> bi_read(type = c("param")) %>% #> map_dfr(~mutate(., distribution = "Prior"), .id = "parameter") %>% #> saveRDS(file.path(data_dir, "prior-params.rds")) #> } #> } #> #> #> #> # Optimise the deterministic model ---------------------------------------- #> if (optim) { #> #> if(verbose) { #> message("Optimising the deterministic model") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> optimise() #> #> } #> #> # Adapting the number of particles ---------------------------------------- #> #> if (adapt_particles) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting particles starting with ", min_particles, " up to a maximum of ", max_particles) #> } #> #> adapt_mutli_particles <- function(iteration, model, min_particles, max_particles) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting particles iteration: ", iteration) #> message("Initial sampling using the prior as the proposal.") #> } #> #> model <- model %>% #> sample(proposal = "prior", nsamples = adapt_part_samples, #> seed = iteration + seed) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Starting particle adaption") #> } #> #> model <- adapt_particles(model, #> min = min_particles, #> max = max_particles, #> quiet = !verbose, #> target.variance = 5) #> #> particles <- tb_model$options$nparticles #> return(particles) #> } #> #> particles <- map_dbl(1:adapt_part_it, ~ #> adapt_mutli_particles(., #> model = tb_model, #> min_particles = min_particles, #> max_particles = max_particles)) #> #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(particles, file.path(libbi_dir, "particles.rds")) #> } #> #> med_particles <- particles %>% #> median %>% #> ceiling #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Choosing ", med_particles, "based on ", adapt_part_it, " iterations each using ", adapt_part_samples, ".") #> message("The maximum number of particles selected was ", max(particles), " with a minimum of ", min(particles)) #> message("The mean number of particles selected was ", mean(particles), " with a standard deviation of ", sd(particles)) #> } #> #> #> tb_model$options$nparticles <- med_particles #> nparticles <- med_particles #> #> } #> #> #> # Adapting the proposal --------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (adapt_proposal) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapting proposal with a min acceptance of ", min_acc, " and a maximum acceptance of ", max_acc) #> message("Running for ", adapt_prop_it, " iterations with ", adapt_prop_samples, " samples each time.") #> } #> #> ## Adapt proposal #> if(verbose) { #> message("Taking initial sample to estimate acceptance rate") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", proposal = "model", #> nsamples = adapt_prop_samples) #> #> if(verbose) { #> message("Adapting proposal ...") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> adapt_proposal(min = min_acc, max = max_acc, #> nsamples = adapt_prop_samples, #> max_iter = adapt_prop_it, adapt = adapt, #> scale = adapt_scale, truncate = TRUE, #> quiet = !verbose) #> #> acc_rate <- acceptance_rate(tb_model) #> #> #> #> prop_param_block <- get_block(tb_model$model, "proposal_parameter") #> prop_initial_block <- get_block(tb_model$model, "proposal_initial") #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Adapted proposal distribution") #> #> print(prop_param_block) #> print(prop_initial_block) #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(prop_param_block, file.path(libbi_dir, "proposal-param-block.rds")) #> saveRDS(prop_initial_block, file.path(libbi_dir, "proposal-initial-block.rds")) #> } #> } #> #> #> # Set number of moves for SMC2 -------------------------------------------- #> #> if (is.null(rejuv_moves)) { #> #> if (!adapt_proposal) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Taking a 100 samples from the posterior to estimate #> the acceptance rate as proposal adaption has not been run.") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", proposal = "model", #> nsamples = 1000, #> verbose = libbi_verbose) #> } #> #> acc_rate <- acceptance_rate(tb_model) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Acceptance rate of ", acc_rate, " after adapting the proposal") #> } #> #> if(acc_rate < 0.001) { #> if (verbose) { #> message("Acceptance rate is to low (", acc_rate, ") to be tractable. Defaulting to an acceptance rate of 0.001") #> } #> acc_rate <- 0.001 #> } #> #> #> target_acc <- sample_ess_at #> rejuv_moves <- round(target_acc / acc_rate, digits = 0) #> rejuv_moves <- ifelse(rejuv_moves < 1, 1, rejuv_moves) #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Using ", rejuv_moves, " rejuvernation moves in order to target at least a ", round(100*target_acc, 0), "% acceptence rate for each rejuvernation sample.") #> } #> } #> #> #> # Model fitting ------------------------------------------------------ #> #> #> if (fit) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> if (time_for_resampling != 0) { #> message("As the time for resampling has been specified rejuvernation will happen after each SMC step and will take as long as has been allocated regardless of the acceptance rate.") #> } #> message("Fitting using SMC-SMC") #> } #> #> tb_model <- tb_model %>% #> sample(target = "posterior", #> proposal = "model", #> nparticles = nparticles, #> nsamples = posterior_samples, #> sampler = "sir", #> `sample-ess-rel` = sample_ess_at, #> nmoves = rejuv_moves, #> tmoves = time_for_resampling * 60, #> thin = thin, #> verbose = fitting_verbose) #> #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Summary of fitted model") #> print(tb_model) #> } #> #> #> # Evaluate run ------------------------------------------------------------ #> #> burn <- floor(posterior_samples / thin * burn_prop) #> #> dic <- DIC(tb_model, burn = burn) #> #> message("Model DIC: ", dic) #> #> if (save_output) { #> saveRDS(dic, file = file.path(libbi_dir, "dic.rds")) #> } #> #> } #> #> #> # Predict states ---------------------------------------------------------- #> if (!fit && !adapt_particles && !adapt_proposal && sample_priors) { #> tb_model <- priors #> } #> #> if (pred_states ) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> message("Predicting states based on posterior sample up to 2040") #> } #> #> ## Predicting states for all times from intialisation to end time (for the standard model in 2040). #> tb_model <- sample_obs(tb_model, #> end_time = (36 + run_time) * time_scale_numeric, #> noutputs = (36 + run_time) * time_scale_numeric) #> #> } #> #> #> # Save model -------------------------------------------------------------- #> #> if (save_output) { #> save_libbi(tb_model, file.path(libbi_dir, "posterior")) #> } #> #> # Model report ------------------------------------------------------------ #> #> #> if (save_output && reports && fit) { #> #> if (verbose) { #> ## Assumes the function is being run at the root of the project (may need refinement) #> message("Creating model report") #> } #> #> ## Model report #> model_report <- "./vignettes/model_report.Rmd" #> future_scenarios <- "./vignettes/future_scenarios.Rmd" #> #> report_dir <- file.path(model_dir, "reports") #> dir.create(report_dir) #> #> rmarkdown::render(model_report, output_format = "html_document", #> output_dir = report_dir, #> knit_root_dir = "..", #> params = list(model_dir = model_dir)) #> #> #> rmarkdown::render(future_scenarios, output_format = "html_document", #> output_dir = report_dir, #> knit_root_dir = "..", #> params = list(model_dir = model_dir)) #> #> } #> #> if (save_output) { #> sink(type = "message") #> sink() #> } #> #> if (!exists("tb_model")) { #> tb_model <- NULL #> } #> return(tb_model) #> } #> <environment: namespace:ModelTBBCGEngland>