Plot either the distribution or trace of a subset of parameters split out by their dimension

plot_param(libbi_model = NULL, param = NULL, prior_params = NULL,
  log_scale = FALSE, sqrt_scale = FALSE, plot_type = "dist",
  plot_data = TRUE, burn_in = 0, scales = "free")



LiBBi model object


A character vector containing the complete names of the variables to plot.


A prior parameter set as generated by fit_model. Alternatively a libbi model can be passed.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the x axis be plotted on a log scale?


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the x axis be plotted on a square root scale?


A character string indicating the type of plot to show. "dist" plots a density and rug plot, whilst "trace" plots a trace plot.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the summarised data be plotted.


Numeric, defaults to 0. The number of samples to remove as burn in.


Character string, defaulting to "free". What scales to use for graph faceting.


A plot of the specified parameters.


##Show function code plot_param
#> function(libbi_model = NULL, param = NULL, #> prior_params = NULL, log_scale = FALSE, sqrt_scale = FALSE, #> plot_type = "dist", plot_data = TRUE, burn_in = 0, scales = "free") { #> #> #> data <- bi_read(libbi_model, type = c("param")) %>% #> map_dfr(~mutate(., distribution = "Posterior"), .id = "parameter") #> #> if (!is.null(param)) { #> data <- data %>% #> filter(parameter %in% param) #> } #> #> if (!is.null(prior_params)) { #> #> if (class(prior_params) != "libbi") { #> prior <- prior_params %>% #> mutate(distribution = "Prior") #> }else { #> prior <- bi_read(prior_params, type = c("param")) %>% #> map_dfr(~mutate(., distribution = "Prior"), .id = "parameter") #> } #> #> if (!is.null(param)) { #> prior <- prior %>% #> filter(parameter %in% param) #> } #> #> data <- suppressWarnings(data %>% #> bind_rows(prior)) #> } #> #> data <- data %>% #> group_by(np, distribution, parameter) %>% #> mutate(length = 1:n()) %>% #> rename(Distribution = distribution) %>% #> ungroup %>% #> filter(any(np > burn_in, Distribution %in% "Prior")) #> #> if (plot_data) { #> if (plot_type == "dist") { #> plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x = value, col = Distribution, fill = Distribution)) + #> geom_density(alpha = 0.4) + #> geom_rug(alpha = 0.1) + #> labs(x = "Value", y = "Density") #> }else if (plot_type =="trace") { #> plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x = np, y = value, col = Distribution)) + #> geom_line(alpha = 0.8) + #> labs(x = "Time", y = "Value") #> } #> #> plot <- plot + #> facet_wrap(c("parameter", "length"), scales = scales) + #> theme_minimal() + #> theme(legend.position = "top") #> #> if (log_scale) { #> plot <- plot + #> scale_x_log10(labels = comma) #> } #> #> if (sqrt_scale) { #> plot <- plot + #> scale_x_sqrt(labels = comma) #> } #> }else{ #> plot <- data #> } #> #> return(plot) #> } #> <environment: namespace:ModelTBBCGEngland>