Plot a subset of the states from a LiBBi model and summarising multiple runs. Multi dimension states can be plotted using stratification and facetting.
plot_state(libbi_model = NULL, model_paths = NULL, states = NULL, plot_obs = TRUE, obs = NULL, summarise = FALSE, summarise_by = NULL, strat_var = "state", burn_in = 0, start_time = 0, end_time = NULL, start_time_label = 1931, scenarios_start = 2005, scales = "free_y", plot_uncert = TRUE, plot_data = TRUE, show_mean = FALSE, use_comma_formatting = TRUE)
libbi_model | LiBBi model object (or a list of named libbi models). |
model_paths | A named character vector of paths to models to plot. |
states | A character vector containing the complete names of the variables to plot. Defaults to all states |
plot_obs | Logical, defaults to |
obs | List of dataframes containing observed data. Defaults to generating observed
data using |
burn_in | Numeric, indicating the burn in period (samples). |
start_time | Numeric, indicating the time to start plotting from. |
end_time | Numeric, defaults to the maximum value present in the data. The final time to plot. |
start_time_label | Numeric, the label to apply to the time variable. Defaults to 1931. |
scenarios_start | Numeric, start time for which to plot alternative scenarios. Defaults to 2005. |
scales | A character string indicating the axis scaling to use for facets. Defaults to "free_y". |
plot_uncert | Logical, defaults to |
plot_data | Logical, defaults to |
show_mean | Logical, defaults to |
use_comma_formatting | Logicial, defaults to |
A plot of the specified states.
## Show function code plot_state#> function(libbi_model = NULL, #> model_paths = NULL, #> states = NULL, #> plot_obs = TRUE, #> obs = NULL, #> summarise = FALSE, #> summarise_by = NULL, #> strat_var = "state", #> burn_in = 0, #> start_time = 0, #> end_time = NULL, #> start_time_label = 1931, #> scenarios_start = 2005, #> scales = "free_y", #> plot_uncert = TRUE, #> plot_data = TRUE, #> show_mean = FALSE, #> use_comma_formatting = TRUE) { #> #> if (!is.null(libbi_model) && !is.null(model_paths)) { #> stop("Both a libbi model and a model path has been passed. Only one of these options is allowed.") #> }else if (!is.null(model_paths) && is.null(libbi_model)) { #> libbi_model <- model_paths #> } #> ## Summarise states - generic function #> summarise_state <- function(df, summarise = summarise, summarise_by = summarise_by) { #> if (summarise) { #> df <- df %>% #> group_by(.dots = c(summarise_by, "time")) %>% #> summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% #> ungroup #> } #> ## df <- df %>% #> ## group_by(.dots = setdiff(colnames(df), c("np", "value"))) #> return(df) #> } #> #> ## Summarise model runs - generic function #> summarise_model_runs <- function(data) { #> sum_data <- data %>% #> group_by(.dots = setdiff(colnames(data), c("np", "value"))) %>% #> summarise( #> mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE), #> median = median(value, na.rm = TRUE), #> ll = quantile(value, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE), #> lll = quantile(value, 0.025, na.rm = TRUE), #> hh = quantile(value, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE), #> hhh = quantile(value, 0.975, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% #> ungroup %>% #> gather("Average", "Count", mean, median) %>% #> mutate_at(.vars = c(strat_var), .funs = funs(as.factor(.))) #> } #> #> #> load_data <- function(libbi_model) { #> #> if (!is.null(model_paths)) { #> libbi_model <- read_libbi(libbi_model) #> } #> #> ## Read in data #> data <- bi_read(libbi_model, type = c("state", "obs", "noise")) #> #> ## Use all states if none set #> if (is.null(states)) { #> states <- setdiff(names(data), c("clock", "logprior", "loglikelihood")) #> } #> #> ## Filter out for required states/states #> data <- data[states] %>% #> map(as_tibble) %>% #> map(~filter(., time > 0, #> time >= start_time, #> np >= burn_in)) #> #> if (!is.null(end_time)) { #> data <- data %>% #> map(~filter(., time <= end_time)) #> } #> #> ## Summarise by vectorisation if required. #> data <- map_dfr(data, summarise_state, #> summarise = summarise, summarise_by = c(summarise_by, "np"), #> .id = "state") #> #> if (!(strat_var %in% colnames(data)) || is.null(strat_var)) { #> strat_var <- "state" #> } #> #> sum_data <- summarise_model_runs(data) %>% #> mutate(time = time + start_time_label) #> #> return(sum_data) #> } #> #> if (class(libbi_model) %in% "list") { #> sum_data <- map_dfr(libbi_model, load_data, .id = "Scenario") %>% #> filter(any(time > scenarios_start - start_time_label, Scenario == names(libbi_model)[1])) %>% #> mutate(Scenario = factor(Scenario, levels = names(libbi_model))) #> #> strat_var <- "Scenario" #> }else{ #> sum_data <- load_data(libbi_model) #> } #> #> ## Use all states if none set #> if (is.null(states)) { #> states <- setdiff(names(sum_data), c("clock", "logprior", "loglikelihood")) #> } #> #> if (!(strat_var %in% colnames(sum_data)) || is.null(strat_var)) { #> strat_var <- "state" #> } #> #> #> ## Use observational data default if not supplied #> if (is.null(obs)) { #> obs <- ModelTBBCGEngland::setup_model_obs(years_of_age = 2000:2015, age_groups = 0:11, #> con_age_groups = c("children", "adults", "older adults")) #> } #> #> obs <- map_dfr(obs, summarise_state, #> summarise = summarise, summarise_by = summarise_by, #> .id = "state") #> #> obs <- obs %>% #> filter(state %in% unique(as.character(sum_data$state))) %>% #> filter(time >= start_time) %>% #> mutate(bcg = NA) %>% #> mutate(time = time + start_time_label) #> #> if (!is.null(end_time)) { #> obs <- obs %>% #> filter(time <= end_time + start_time_label) #> } #> #> if (!show_mean) { #> sum_data <- sum_data %>% #> filter(!(Average %in% "mean")) #> } #> #> if(plot_data) { #> ## Plot model runs #> plot <- sum_data %>% #> ggplot(aes_string(x = "time", y = "Count", linetype = "Average", col = strat_var, fill = strat_var)) + #> geom_line(size = 1.2, alpha = 0.6) #> #> if (plot_obs) { #> plot <- plot + #> geom_point(data = obs, aes(x = time, y = value, #> linetype = NULL, #> col = NULL, fill = NULL), alpha = 0.6) #> } #> #> #> if (plot_uncert) { #> plot <- plot + #> geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lll, ymax = hhh, col = NULL), alpha = 0.05) + #> geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ll, ymax = hh, col = NULL), alpha = 0.1) #> #> } #> #> plot <- plot + #> scale_fill_viridis_d(end = 0.8) + #> scale_color_viridis_d(end = 0.8) + #> theme_minimal() + #> theme(legend.position = "top") + #> labs(x = "Time") #> #> if (use_comma_formatting) { #> plot <- plot + #> scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) #> } #> #> if (strat_var %in% "state") { #> plot <- plot + #> guides(col = FALSE, fill = FALSE, linetype = show_mean) #> } #> #> facet_var <- setdiff(colnames(sum_data), c("Average", "Count", "lll", "ll", "hh", "hhh", "time", "Scenario")) #> #> if (length(facet_var) != 0) { #> plot <- plot + #> facet_wrap(facet_var, scales = scales) #> } #> }else{ #> plot <- sum_data #> } #> #> return(plot) #> #> } #> <environment: namespace:ModelTBBCGEngland>