An inner Markov loop implemented using RcppArmadillo

ArmaMarkovLoop(sim, cohort, transition, duration)



Matrix with the same number of rows as the duration of the model and the same number of columns as the number of states in the model.


A vector containing the initial state.


A transition matrix, see example_two_state_markov for an example of setting this up.


Numeric, how many long to run the model for.


A matrix of the same size as the inputted sim matrix.


transition <- matrix(rnorm(4), 2, 2) sim <- matrix(NA, 100, 2) cohort <- c(1, 0) duration <- 100 # Reference R implementation sim_r <- markov_loop(sim, cohort, transition, duration) # RcppArmadillo implementation sim_rcppArma <- ArmaMarkovLoop(sim, cohort, transition, duration) # Check results are within tolerances all.equal(sim_r, sim_rcppArma)
#> [1] TRUE
# Benchmark library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(markov_loop(sim, cohort, transition, duration), ArmaMarkovLoop(sim, cohort, transition, duration), times = 1000)
#> Unit: microseconds #> expr min lq mean #> markov_loop(sim, cohort, transition, duration) 82.705 90.0675 111.054580 #> ArmaMarkovLoop(sim, cohort, transition, duration) 4.707 5.8930 7.477264 #> median uq max neval #> 101.8255 128.666 3565.076 1000 #> 6.6350 8.538 50.838 1000