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Piecewise linear cycle threshold model

Symptom onset model

Structural and invididual-level variation


The model is implemented in stan using cmdstanr with no defaults altered[1,2]. epict incorporates additional functionality written in R[3] to enable plotting cycle threshold posterior predictions, summarising population-level cycle thresolhs, and summarsing covariate effects. All functionality is modular allowing users to extend and alter the underlying model whilst continuing to use the package framework.


1. Team, S. D. (2021). Stan modeling language users guide and reference manual, 2.28.1.
2. Gabry, J., & Češnovar, R. (2021). Cmdstanr: R interface to ’CmdStan’.
3. R Core Team. (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing.