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Flag potentially spurious observations


  max_t_rel_uncensored = 60,
  max_onset_t_rel_uncensored = 15,
  flag = TRUE,
  drop = TRUE,
  return_spurious = FALSE



A data.frame with the following variables:

  • t_rel_uncensored: Time of test relative to the first uncensored Ct value for that id.

  • onset_t_rel_uncensored: Time of onset relative to the first uncensored Ct value for that id. (optional). NA if unavailable/asymptomatic.


Numeric defaults to 60 days. Flags the maximum absolute relative time that is considered plausible for tests to be spaced by per ID.


Numeric defaults to 15 days. Flags the maximum absolute relative time that is considered plausible for symptom onset from the first uncensored test per ID.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should spurious tests be flagged


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should spurious tests and onsets be dropped (set to NA for onsets and filtered out for tests).


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Rather than returning observations should observations flagged as spurious be returned.


A data.table of observations


Sam Abbott


obs <- data.frame(t_rel_uncensored = c(0, 2, 10, 60, 100, 30))

# Run with defaults
fil_obs <- epict_flag_spurious_obs(obs)
#> The following tests have been identified as having spurious data
#>    t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:              100
#> Spurious tests have been dropped
#>    t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0
#> 2:                2
#> 3:               10
#> 4:               60
#> 5:               30
#>    t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0
#> 2:                2
#> 3:               10
#> 4:               60
#> 5:               30

# Add onsets and repeat
obs$onset_t_rel_uncensored <- c(0, 15, 2, NA, 40, 5)
fil_obs <- epict_flag_spurious_obs(obs)
#> The following tests have been identified as having spurious data
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:              100                     40
#> 2:                2                     15
#> Spurious tests have been dropped
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0                      0
#> 2:                2                     NA
#> 3:               10                      2
#> 4:               60                     NA
#> 5:               30                      5
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0                      0
#> 2:                2                     NA
#> 3:               10                      2
#> 4:               60                     NA
#> 5:               30                      5

# Return spurious observations
epict_flag_spurious_obs(obs, return_spurious = TRUE)
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:              100                     40
#> 2:                2                     15

# Flag spurious results but don't drop
epict_flag_spurious_obs(obs, drop = FALSE)
#> The following tests have been identified as having spurious data
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:              100                     40
#> 2:                2                     15
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0                      0
#> 2:                2                     15
#> 3:               10                      2
#> 4:               60                     NA
#> 5:              100                     40
#> 6:               30                      5

# Siltently drop
epict_flag_spurious_obs(obs, flag = FALSE)
#> Spurious tests have been dropped
#>    t_rel_uncensored onset_t_rel_uncensored
#> 1:                0                      0
#> 2:                2                     NA
#> 3:               10                      2
#> 4:               60                     NA
#> 5:               30                      5