Get the data dictionary for TB burden data from the WHO, see here for details. This function will first attempt to load the data from the temporary directory (tempdir). If that fails, and download_data = TRUE, it will instead download the data.

  url = NULL,
  download_data = TRUE,
  save = TRUE,
  dict_save_name = NULL,
  return = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  use_utils = FALSE,
  retry_download = TRUE



Character string, indicating the url of the data dictionary. This argument is depreciated and will be removed from future releases.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. If not found locally should the data be downloaded from the specified URL?


Logical, should the data be saved for reuse during the current R session. Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE then the data is saved to the temporary directory specified by tempdir.


Character string, name to save dictionary under. This argument is depreciated and will be removed from future releases. Dataset naming is now handled internally.


Logical, should the data dictionary be returned as a dataframe. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should additional status and progress messages be displayed.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Used for testing alternative data download function. When TRUE data is downloaded using read.csv.


Logical defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, if downloading fails, the function will try repeatedly to download the data within 3 seconds, up to 3 times.


The WHO TB data dictionary as a tibble with 4 variables: variable_name, dataset, code_list, definition.

See also

get_data search_data_dict


dict <- get_data_dict() head(dict)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4 #> variable_name dataset code_list definition #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 budget_cpp_dstb Budget "" Average cost of drugs budgeted per patient … #> 2 budget_cpp_mdr Budget "" Average cost of drugs budgeted per patient … #> 3 budget_cpp_xdr Budget "" Average cost of drugs budgeted per patient … #> 4 budget_fld Budget "" Budget required for drugs to treat drug-sus… #> 5 budget_lab Budget "" Budget required for laboratory infrastructu… #> 6 budget_mdrmgt Budget "" Budget required for programme costs to trea…