This general purpose function can be used to generate a global map for a single variable. It has few defaults but the data supplied must contain a country_code variable (that uses the iso3 standard) for linking to mapping data.

global_map(data = NULL, variable = NULL, variable_label = NULL,
  trans = "identity", fill_labels = NULL,
  viridis_palette = "cividis", show_caption = TRUE)



Dataframe containing variables to be mapped. Must contain a country_code variable. This must use iso3 standard country codes. See link_data for an example dataframe.


A character string indicating the variable to map data for. This must be supplied.


A character string indicating the variable label to use. If not supplied then the underlying variable name is used.


A character string specifying the transform to use on the specified metric. Defaults to no transform ("identity"). Other options include log scaling ("log") and log base 10 scaling ("log10"). For a complete list of options see ggplot2::continous_scale.


A function to use to allocate legend labels. An example (used below) is scales::percent, which can be used for percentage data.


Character string indicating the viridis colour palette to use. Defaults to "cividis". Options include "cividis", "magma", "inferno", "plasma", and "viridis". For additional details


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the default caption be displayed.


A ggplot2 object containing a global map.

See also



## Filter data to get the latest study in each country on zTB data <- EstZoonoticTB::link_data(verbose = FALSE) %>% EstZoonoticTB::get_latest_data(tb_z_prop) ## Plot a global map of zTB global_map(data, variable = "tb_z_prop", variable_label = "% of TB cases that are zoonotic", trans = "sqrt", fill_labels = scales::percent)